How To Decorate A Living Room With A Corner Fireplace

How To Decorate A Living Room With A Corner Fireplace

Decorate A living room with A corner fireplace is an exciting and unique way to make the most of your home’s layout and design. This can be A challenging task, But when done correctly, The end result will be A warm and inviting space that will be enjoyed for years to come. A corner fireplace can act as an eye-catching centerpiece in any living room, So It is important to choose the right materials, Colors, And furnishings to create A beautiful atmosphere.

Why Do We Decorate A Living Room With A Corner Fireplace?

Decorating A living room with A corner fireplace can create A cozy and inviting atmosphere. It is an attractive focal point that can add warmth and character to the space. It can also help to make the most of the available space, As It fits neatly into one corner, leaving more floor area for furniture and activities. junction fireplaces often come in attractive designs that can enhance the look of your living room. They can be custom-made to match your existing décor or you could choose from A range of contemporary designs to create A unique look. Overall, decorating with A corner fire pit is an excellent way to add style and comfort to your living room.

Here Are Some Easy Guides To Decorate A Living Room With A Corner Fireplace:

Make A Plan

This will help you choose the right furniture, Accessories, And decor for your space. Consider the focal point of the room – the corner fireplace. You want to make sure that It stands out without overpowering the rest of the space. Consider adding some accent lighting or A piece of artwork above the mantel to draw attention to this feature.

When choosing furniture for your living area with A corner fire pit, Think about how you want to arrange It. If you have limited space, Consider using smaller pieces such as armchairs or ottomans instead of bulky sofas. And don’t forget about storage!

Create Focal Point

Decorating A living room with A corner fire pit can be A challenge. But It’s also an opportunity to create A unique focal point that will make your space stand out. 

When designing around A corner fire pit, Consider the scale of the room and the height of the ceiling. A large fireplace may require larger furniture items to balance It visually. While lower ceilings may benefit from taller decor elements to draw the eye upward. Consider incorporating bold colors or patterns into your design scheme. As these can help anchor your focal point while adding depth and interest to your space. Make sure that there is ample lighting throughout the room to highlight key features and provide ambiance during evening hours.

Create Feature Wall

Create Feature Wall

This knowledge will guide you in selecting furniture and accent pieces that work together to create C cohesive look.

When designing around A corner fireplace, Consider the scale of the room and the height of the ceiling. A large fireplace may require larger furniture items to balance It visually, While lower ceilings may benefit from taller decor elements to draw the eye upward. Consider incorporating bold colors or patterns into your design scheme, As these can help anchor your focal point while adding depth and interest to your space.

Decorate Walls Around The Fireplace

Decorating walls around the fireplace is done by using wallpaper or paint with different textures, Patterns, Or colors. You can go for neutral tones for A classic look or bold hues for an eclectic style. You may consider installing shelves on either side of your corner fire pit and accessorizing them with decorative items like candles, Books, Vases, Or sculptures that complement your living area decor. This will not only make use of unused space but also add visual interest and depth to the entire wall area.

Consider A Corner Stove

Consider A Corner Stove

A corner stove is an excellent option for those who want to add warmth and style to their space. With its convenient location, It can be easily incorporated into any design scheme. It’s perfect for those who want to save on floor space.

One of the best things about A corner stove is that It can be customized to fit your specific needs. You can choose from A variety of materials such as stone or brick, And even opt for custom designs that reflect your personal style. The sky’s the limit when It comes to designing your perfect corner stove!

Highlight A Corner Stove

A corner stove can be the perfect addition to any living room. Not only does it provide warmth and comfort, But It can also serve as A stylish focal point for your decor. When decorating A living space with A corner fire pit, There are A few key considerations to keep in mind.

Think about the placement of your furniture. Arrange to seat around the fireplace so that It becomes the centerpiece of the room. You may also want to add some accent pieces like artwork or decorative pillows that complement the colors and style of your stove. Consider using lighting to highlight your corner stove. A well-placed lamp or spotlight can draw attention to Its unique features and create an inviting ambiance in your living space. You could hang mirrors on adjacent walls to reflect light and make the room feel more spacious.

Create A Seating Area Facing The Fireplace

Create A Seating Area Facing The Fireplace

Creating A seating area facing A fireplace can be the perfect way to enhance the coziness and warmth of your living room. A seating arrangement in A Show of the Fireplace not only adds warmness but also creates an inviting community space for family and friends.

To begin creating your seating area, Start by positioning your couch or chairs facing the fireplace. This way, Everyone can enjoy the warmth and ambiance that comes from watching the flames dance in front of them. Consider adding some accent pillows or throws to your furniture to create an even more comfortable atmosphere. You can also add additional seating options such as ottomans or poufs for extra comfort.

Symmetrical Furniture Placement

Symmetrical Furniture Placement is an excellent way to decorate A living room with A corner fireplace. It creates A sense of balance and harmony, Making the space feel cohesive and inviting.

To achieve this look, Start by selecting matching chairs or sofas that are similar in size and style. Place them facing each other on opposite sides of the fireplace. With A coffee table in between to create A cozy conversation area. You can also add matching lamps or artwork on either side of the fireplace to further enhance the symmetry. You could place two identical vases on either end of your mantel or hang two matching mirrors above your sofa.

Furniture Facing Away From The Corner Fireplace

Most people tend to place their furniture facing the fireplace, But what if you want to switch things up? In this article, We’ll explore the idea of placing your furniture away from the corner fireplace and how It can create an interesting focal point in your living room.

One of the benefits of placing your furniture away from the corner fire pit is that It opens up space in your living space. This is particularly useful If you have A small living space or A lot of furniture. By creating more floor space, You can make your living space feel less cluttered and more inviting. By positioning your seating away from the fireplace, You’re able to create an intimate conversation area for family and friends.

Incorporate Log Storage

Incorporate Log Storage

Incorporating log storage in A living room with A corner fireplace not only adds aesthetic appeal but also serves as A practical solution for keeping your home warm during the winter months. One popular option is to install built-in shelves or cubbies beside the fireplace, Which can be used to store seasoned logs that are ready to burn.

These can be placed beside or underneath the fireplace for A cozy and natural look. You can also experiment with different types of wood finishes, Such as distressed or reclaimed wood. To add character and texture to your living space decor. In addition to providing warmth and visual interest. Incorporating log storage into your living space design can also serve as an eco-friendly solution for heating your home.

Open Up A Chimney Breast

Opening up the chimney breast will give your living room an instant sense of depth and dimension. By removing the wall covering or plasterboard that covers It, You’ll reveal the brickwork or stonework behind It. This could create A lovely rustic vibe in your living area, especially if the bricks are left exposed for all to see.

Moreover, Opening up the chimney breast gives you plenty of options when It comes to interior design. You can add shelves or cabinets on either side of the fireplace to display decorative items or store books and DVDs. 

Add Built-In Bookcase

Add Built-In Bookcase

Adding A built-in bookcase is an excellent way to decorate A living room with A corner fireplace. A well-designed bookcase can add depth and texture to any space while also showcasing your personal style.

One of the benefits of owning A built-in bookcase is that you can customize It to fit your distinct requirements. You can choose from various materials, Such as wood or metal, And select different finishes that complement your existing décor. Moreover, You can play around with the layout of the shelves and incorporate unique design elements like lighting or decorative accents. With careful planning and execution, You can create A functional yet stylish storage system that makes use of every inch of available wall space without cluttering up the room.

Add Corner Cabinets

These versatile pieces not only help fill up empty corners but also provide much-needed storage space for your living room. Whether you’re looking to showcase your favorite decor items or simply need A place to store extra blankets and pillows, Corner cabinets are A must-have.

One of the biggest benefits of adding corner cabinets is that they can help offset the look of your living room. If you have A large fireplace in one corner, It might feel like there’s an empty void on the other side of the room. By placing matching corner cabinets on either side of the fireplace, You create symmetry and add visual interest to your space. Plus, You’ll have plenty of storage space for books, Board games, And other living area essentials.

Add Tv Above A Corner Fireplace

Decorating A living room with A corner fireplace can be challenging. But adding A TV above It can be the perfect solution. A TV above the fireplace not only creates A focal point in your space but also saves valuable floor space. Which is especially important in smaller rooms. It’s also an excellent way to combine two of the most essential elements of modern homes – entertainment and warmth. You want to make sure that your television is mounted securely so that heat from the fire does not damage It. You may want to consider hiding unsightly cords by running them through the walls or using cord covers. This will give your living space A clean and polished look.

Add Plants Above The Fireplace

Adding plants above the fireplace can be A great way to decorate A living room with A corner fireplace. Not only do they make for an attractive addition to the décor. But they also bring elements of nature into your home. You can choose from various types of plants such as succulents, Ferns or even hanging planters.

You want them to thrive and flourish, So It’s essential that you select plants that can withstand heat and direct sunlight exposure. Consider adding layers with different-sized pots and using decorative brackets or shelves for added interest. This will help draw attention upward and create visual interest in your space.

Reflect Light With A Mirror

Reflect Light With A Mirror

A mirror is A versatile decor item that can transform the look and feel of any room. One of Its benefits is that It reflects light, Which can help brighten up dark corners and make small spaces appear larger. 

Placing A large mirror above the fireplace not only reflects light but also creates an illusion of more space in the room. This works especially well If you have A small living room with limited natural light. Another way to incorporate mirrors into your living room decor is by adding mirrored furniture pieces such as side tables or console tables. These reflective surfaces will bounce light around the space and make It feel brighter and more open.

Soften Windows With Curtains

Softening bay windows in the living room with Curtains add an extra layer of warmth and coziness to The living space with A corner fireplace. For example, If you have neutral walls and floors, Consider adding bold-colored curtains as an accent piece. Alternatively, If your living space has vibrant colors or patterns on the walls or furniture. Select more muted curtain options that complement those tones without overwhelming the space.

In addition to color choice, It’s important to consider fabric texture when selecting curtains. Soft fabrics like silk or velvet add elegance and luxury while linen or cotton create A more casual look.

Keep It Open For A Sharp Industrial Design

Keep It Open For A Sharp Industrial Design

Arrange seating around the fireplace in such A way that It creates an open flow throughout the room. This allows for easy conversation and movement while still highlighting the focal point of the space.

A neutral color palette can also enhance an industrial-style living space with A corner fireplace. Consider painting walls in shades of gray or beige, And incorporate accent pieces in metal finishes like copper or steel for an edgy touch. Adding textured elements like exposed brick or concrete can add depth and interest to your design.

How Important Space Do You Need For A Corner Fireplace?

The amount of space needed for A corner fireplace depends on the size and type of fireplace you choose. For example, A small electric corner fireplace may only need A few feet of space. While A large wood-burning stove will require more room. You should permit at least 3 feet of clearance in front of the fireplace and 18 inches on either flank. You should also consider the height of the firebox when planning your space; Some fireplaces are taller than others. Factor in any other furniture or décor that may be nearby to confirm there is enough room for everyone to be satisfied.

What Kind Of Lighting Should I Use To Highlight A Corner Fireplace?

When It comes to lighting A corner fireplace, The best option is to use accent lighting. Accent lighting will draw attention to the fireplace and create A warm and inviting atmosphere in the room. A few great options for accent lighting include wall sconces, Recessed lights, Or track lights. Wall sconces are A classic option that can be used to frame the fireplace and create A soft glow in the room. Recessed lights are subtle and can be installed above or below the mantle to provide even illumination throughout the space. Track lights are also an excellent choice as they can be adjusted to highlight different areas of the fireplace such as artwork or decorations. Whichever option you choose, Make sure that It complements your decor and enhances your overall design aesthetic.

What Kind Of Statement Furniture Piece Works Well With A Corner Fireplace?

A corner fireplace is A beautiful addition to any home, And the right statement furniture piece can really make It stand out. A great option for furnishing around A corner fireplace is an L-shaped sectional sofa. This type of sofa fits perfectly in A corner and provides plenty of seating space while also creating the perfect place to cozy up next to the fire. Another great choice is an armchair or two that are placed directly across from the fireplace, With A small table in between them. This will create A comfortable conversation area that takes advantage of the warmth and ambiance of the fire. You could add A large ottoman that doubles as extra seating and storage for blankets, Pillows, And other items.


Decorate A living room with A corner fireplace is A great way to make the space feel cozy and inviting. It’s important to consider the size of the fireplace relative to the size of the room, As well as the color scheme and design elements that surround It. Additionally, It’s important to keep safety in mind when selecting furniture for this type of setup. The key is to create A balance between form and function so that your living area looks stylish while also being comfortable and safe.

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